Yesterday was the first day of two weeks of official Magic 2010 previews on! You can also check out the ever-growing Magic 2010 Visual Spoiler to see what Magic's next core set has in store for you, hopefully you'll be so pumped up, you can't wait to go to the coming Prerelease!
Many articles are already up talking about M10, led by Tom LaPille and Mark Rosewater!
"Magic 2010 is the first core set since Alpha to contain new cards. This let us make exactly the cards that we felt should represent the baseline of Magic without being constrained by the past. In some ways, Magic 2010 is a creative reboot. We want Magic cards to feel like resonant and recognizable fantasy. To accomplish this, we chose cards with resonant concepts and made new cards to represent ideas we liked that had not yet been made into cards. In other ways, Magic 2010 is a design and development reboot. We included cards that had mechanics that we loved and had good concepts. Where we found cards that had effects that we felt represented Magic in the way we wanted but had poor fantasy concepts, we changed the concepts and made a new version. We also made some cards that we have wanted to make before but did not have room for in previous sets."
- The Magic Is Back, Tom LaPille
"Where did Magic 2010 come from? In our quest to make the game more approachable for beginners (more on this quest here), we decided to take a look at what we were calling our introductory product. Eleventh Edition doesn't sound like the first thing you're supposed to purchase. In fact, we found that the name tended to suggest that this wasn't the introductory product. Instead of referencing which core set it was, we decided instead to reference what year it was. Why 2010 when we're in the middle of 2009? Because the set sells during both 2009 and 2010. If we label it 2009, we would have a huge problem selling it in 2010. People respond very negatively to new things that sound as if they are old things. The car companies figured this out long ago, and we are following in their well-paved path. That is how the name for Magic 2010 came about."
- Resonate Days a Week, Mark Rosewater
More to come soon! Stay tuned to and!
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QJ Wong