Tuesday, June 30, 2009

M10 Previews Officially Begins!


Yesterday was the first day of two weeks of official Magic 2010 previews on MagicTheGathering.com! You can also check out the ever-growing Magic 2010 Visual Spoiler to see what Magic's next core set has in store for you, hopefully you'll be so pumped up, you can't wait to go to the coming Prerelease!

Many articles are already up talking about M10, led by Tom LaPille and Mark Rosewater!

"Magic 2010 is the first core set since Alpha to contain new cards. This let us make exactly the cards that we felt should represent the baseline of Magic without being constrained by the past. In some ways, Magic 2010 is a creative reboot. We want Magic cards to feel like resonant and recognizable fantasy. To accomplish this, we chose cards with resonant concepts and made new cards to represent ideas we liked that had not yet been made into cards. In other ways, Magic 2010 is a design and development reboot. We included cards that had mechanics that we loved and had good concepts. Where we found cards that had effects that we felt represented Magic in the way we wanted but had poor fantasy concepts, we changed the concepts and made a new version. We also made some cards that we have wanted to make before but did not have room for in previous sets."

- The Magic Is Back, Tom LaPille

"Where did Magic 2010 come from? In our quest to make the game more approachable for beginners (more on this quest here), we decided to take a look at what we were calling our introductory product. Eleventh Edition doesn't sound like the first thing you're supposed to purchase. In fact, we found that the name tended to suggest that this wasn't the introductory product. Instead of referencing which core set it was, we decided instead to reference what year it was. Why 2010 when we're in the middle of 2009? Because the set sells during both 2009 and 2010. If we label it 2009, we would have a huge problem selling it in 2010. People respond very negatively to new things that sound as if they are old things. The car companies figured this out long ago, and we are following in their well-paved path. That is how the name for Magic 2010 came about."

- Resonate Days a Week, Mark Rosewater


More to come soon! Stay tuned to MagicMalaysia.net and MagicTheGathering.com!

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The latest Banned and Restricted List Announcement was recently released!

Find out the full list and more information below!

Announcement Date: June 19, 2009
Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Thirst for Knowledge is restricted

Crop Rotation is no longer restricted
Enlightened Tutor is no longer restricted
Entomb is no longer restricted
Grim Monolith is no longer restricted

Standard, Extended, Legacy, Shards of Alara Block Constructed
No changes

Source: click here.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Magic 2010 Rules Changes

Magic The Gathering will receive major rules changes effective from the Pre-release of the Magic 2010 Core Set (M10)!

Magic 2010 Core Set Booster Box

For the full list of changes and more information, read more below!

The changes are:

1) Simultaneous Mulligans

2) Terminology Changes
2A) Battlefield
2B) Cast, Play, and Activate
2C) Exile
2D) Beginning of the End Step

3) Mana Pools and Mana Burn
3A) Mana Pools Emptying
3B) Mana Burn Eliminated

4) Token Ownership
5) Combat Damage No Longer Uses the Stack
6) Deathtouch
7) Lifelink

For detailed explanation and the source, visit this page.
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Planning to head for GP Bangkok in search of Pro Points and Cash Prizes? Or just fancy having a great time bashing heads playing sealed?

Decards Enterprise is holding GPT Bangkok on the 28th of June! Come and play for the 3-round bye at GP Bangkok or just have some sealed deck fun with the complete Shards of Alara block with a top 8 draft!

Decards Enterprise

Date: 28th June 2009, Registration starts at 10AM
Format: Shards of Alara Block Sealed (2x Shard of Alara / 2x Conflux / 2x Alara Reborn boosters)
Entry Fee: RM65
Structure: Swiss Rounds followed by a Top 8 draft

For more info, contact Mr Tea at 0169699727 or at decards.enterprise@gmail.com

Posted on behalf of Decards Enterprise.

source: here
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June 20th marks Magic Online's 7th anniversary! To celebrate we will be offering four full weeks of events. The celebration begins after the downtime on June 17th and ends after the downtime on July 15th.


During the MTGO 7th Anniversary Celebration we will feature the following events:

Mirage and Tempest Return
Masters Edition sets Nix Pax
Launch of Casual Format Weekend Challenges
MTGO and MTGO Forums Participation Awards
Wizards Employee Gunslinging

...and many more!

More info below!

We have also lined up a host of great weekly events for the celebration!

June 17 - 23

Farewell to Lorwyn Tournament Packs events
Alara Block Constructed Bonuses
Onslaught Block (OLS) Sealed Deck Tournament III

June 24 – 30

Farewell to Mirage Tournament Packs events
Extended Constructed Bonuses

July 1 – 7

Farewell to Shadowmoor Tournament Packs events
Standard Constructed Bonuses
Odyssey Block (OTJ) Sealed Deck Tournament IV

July 8 - 14

Farewell to Tempest Tournament Packs events
Classic Constructed Bonuses

Please join us in celebrating 7 great years of Magic Online!

For further information and source, click here.
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Want fame, glory, a piece of the oh so delicious USD 6,000 cash prize pie? Want to be known as the Malaysian Champion of 2009 in order to earn a spot at the 2009 World Championships at Rome?


Take part in the fight to qualify for the 2009 Malaysian Nationals at the Ipoh Malaysian Qualifier 2009 on the 21st of June!

Date: 21st June 2009

Time: 10am registration, 10.30am start

Venue: Game Vault, 15A Jalan Medan Ipoh 6, Bandar Baru Medan, 31400 Ipoh.

Contact: 012-387 6288

Format: Standard Constructed. Swiss rounds to cut to top 8, then 1 round of Single Elimination to determine Top 4.

Entry Fee: RM40

Prizes: Top 4 are invited to Malaysian National Championships which will be held on 4 - 5 July, 2009.

1st - 4th: 18 Alara Reborn boosters

5th - 8th: 9 Alara Reborn boosters

9th -16th: 3 Alara Reborn boosters

17th - 32nd: 2 Alara Reborn boosters

Source and map: here

For more information about the Malaysian National Championships 2009 - click here.

To see the Malaysian National Championships 2009 invite list - click here.

To see the list of all Regional tournaments and National Qualifier tournaments - click here.
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This might be your chance to get on the road to Rome for the 2009 World Championships, winning fame, glory and a piece of the $6,000 USD prize money at the 2009 Malaysian Nationals! Top 4 finishers of the National Championship will also earn invites to the 2009 World Championships at Rome!


The 2009 Malaysian National Qualifier to be held this coming Sunday at Manawerx will be one of the last chances for you to get yourself onto the road to Rome.

More info...

For more information about the Malaysian National Championships 2009 - click here.

To see the Malaysian National Championships 2009 invite list - click here.

To see the list of all Regional tournaments and National Qualifier tournaments - click here.

Hello everybody,

This is only ONE very BIG Magic the Gathering Tournament in JUNE and that
is the 2009 Malaysian National Qualifier.... This tournament is only OPEN
for Magic PLAYERS that have NOT qualify for the 2009 Malaysian National...
Those that have QUALIFIED CANNOT join this EVENT...

2009 Malaysian National Qualifier

Manawerx Trading
1-008 1st Floor, Millenium Square,
Dataran Millenium PJ,
98 Jalan 14/1,
46100 Petaling Jaya

Date: 14th JUNE 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 10.00AM (Registration starts at 9.30am)
Entry Fee: RM40.00

(10th Ed., Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, Shards of Alara,
Conflux and Alara Reborn Permitted)

TOP 4 Finisher – Invitation to the 2009 MALAYSIAN NATIONALS

1st – 4th place 20 ALARA REBORN Boosters
5th – 8th place 6 ALARA REBORN Boosters
9th – 16th place 3 ALARA REBORN Boosters
17th – 32nd place 1 ALARA REBORN Booster

Please email me at ccgorganizer@myjaring.net or call me (012 260 8438) if
there are any questions.

Michael Toh
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A hunter to the core, and adept at summoning savage creatures, Garruk Wildspeaker thrives on pushing himself to greater and greater limits in his quest to be the ultimate predator. But now, he faces his most dangerous prey: A fellow Planeswalker.

Specializing in spells that reanimate the dead, corrupt the living, and unlock power from death, Liliana Vess possesses beauty that belies her necromantic power. What will happen when a force of raw, untamed nature confronts a being consumed by dark and demonic urges?


These ready-to-play 60-card decks showcase some of the best spells that green and black Planeswalkers have in their arsenal. Duel Decks: Garruk vs Liliana has eight rare cards, and six cards with new artwork, including foil alternate-art versions of Garruk Wildspeaker and Liliana Vess. Each of the cards in the 60-card decks will be black-bordered and tournament legal. This means that these cards are legal for use in any tournaments where the original printings are still legal.

Art by Zoltan Boros & Gabor Szikszai

Deck Design and Development: Erik Lauer and Gregory Marques
Release Date: October 30, 2009
MSRP: $19.99

Official announcement here: source

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