Thursday, April 9, 2009

Magic Malaysia is on the Malay Mail!

Smalltalk: Despite the great exposure the site had gotten thanks to this particular news, sadly I have not been able to capitalize on it due to a sudden failure of my internet connection at home for the past week or so and personal issues preventing me from being able to attend the last PTQ Hollywood in Malaysia.

Nonetheless, I will try my best to continue providing and publishing news to the best of my abilities. Stay tuned!

Magic Malaysia has embraced the pages of the Malay Mail on the 1st of April!


P/S: No, it's not a lame, late April's Fools joke.

EDIT: Gabey Goh, Assistant Editor, Malay Mail Online has graciously sent the writer a soft copy of the paper publication! The softcopy can be found further down on this post.

Unfortunately, this writer has failed to acquire a copy of the Malay Mail on the 1st after being informed by the Malay Mail the day before, but was pointed out that there was an online feature which posted the content of the interview.

The link to the online write-up can be found here.

EDIT: Softcopy of the publication can be found here.

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