Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Zendikar Prerelease Promos

Hey! You! That's right, you, the one in front of the computer! Are you going to a Zendikar Prerelease on September 26-27?

Oh, you haven't decided yet. Well, that's understandable. You're just waiting for something to push you over the edge. Well, how about the Prerelease foil? It looks like this, except that it's even cooler in person:


Yeahhhh. That's right. But we're not done! If you participate in a prerelease event (and the supplies hold out), you'll also receive this!


- Magic Arcana,

Checkout the major Malaysian re-release locations - HERE!

For more information about Zendikar, visit the Zendikar minisite!

Peek into Zendikar's world by exploring through these preview articles or checkout the official visual spoilers all in one convenient place...

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