Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Worldwake Promo Cards

Smalltalk: Back from a vacation from Kuching! I hope to have the last GPT in EM results and decklists up in abit, but in between the excitement of GP KL and standard frenzy, we have a break to celebrate the release of Worldwake!

Worldwake is just around the corner. The product section is coming this Wednesday! That's so soon, it's practically here. So why not show off a couple of promo cards?

Here, for example, is the Prerelease card, which will be available at the Prereleases on January 30-31.


Say hello to "Multikicker"! Now, let's move on to the Launch Parties, which will be February 5-7.


Say hello to "Multikicker" ... again! And stick around for Wednesday's Worldwake product section, which will reveal all sorts of exciting new things!

- Worldwake Promo Cards, DailyMTG.com

Further details for local events to be posted as soon as possible!


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