Zac Hill is almost unstoppable the CCEGAMES 1.5K Arena Limited League week 3 comes to an end, with a 12-points lead while Nik also still leads the Constructed front, but by only 6 points.


Meanwhile, Michael Toh just announced the dates and some additional information for PTQ Kyoto for KL.


Kyoto - photo by Samurai Dave

Date: Nov 9th and Dec 14th...

Format: Sealed with Top 8 Booster Draft

Entry fees: RM70

Venue: TBD

- Micheal Toh, MTG-Malaysia forums

Matchday 6 is in the books and with only ONE matchday remaining, its tight up the standings for the Standard Challenge but the same cant be said for the Draft Challenge.....

Standard Recap
Nik Nadrul showed up late for Matchday 5 but despite playing a full 3 games (a tardiness rule which we'll amend for October League) he went down in the first round to only secure 6 points for the Matchday. Despite another poor performance with only 3 points for Matchday 6, Nik still sits atop of the standings with 39 points. But with rumours circulating that Nik will not be attending the Shards pre-release next Saturday (which co-incides with Matchday 7) and FOUR rounds to play instead of the usual three, his 6 point cushion may not be enough to secure the top prize.....

Hanging on near the top of the standings is Clement Lim and Eddy Ng who each racked 12 points in the two Matchdays over the weekend to creep ever closely to the top prize. No doubt they will be there for the Shards pre-release, but will the sealed deck gods be kind??

Clement's buddy, James Lau took home the first prize on Matchday 5 with a more conventional, non-snow, mono red while Mod Nazim literraly "stormed" his way to victory on Matchday 6. Decklists to be published within the next few days.....

Draft Recap
Its just a formality now as Zac Hill scored a whopping 24 points over the course of 3 drafts over the weekend, as well as staying flawless on Matchday 6 for a cool 18 points and a 12 point cushion over his rival Nur Shahbuddin..... Zac will be on during the pre-release on Matchday 7 more to "discourage" drafters to maintain his overall position.... With the rest of the pack firmly a distance away, what will Shah do this weekend???

Dont forget the race to the finale on Matchday 7 and see you during the pre-release!! Remember, Shards of Alara pre-release this weekend counts to matchday 7 for the standard challenge only.

Visit our website at for full standings!

- CCEGAMES.COM, MTG-Malaysia forums

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